With over 35 years under my belt as a Casting Session Director for both commercial and theatrical auditions, I have worked with the biggest casting directors in the industry including:
Ross Lacy, Francene Selkirk, Maria O'Driscoll & Nancy Serena/ Popcasting, Cathi Carlton, Joe Blake, Alyson Horn, Craig Colvin, Danielle Eskinazi, Vicki Goggin, Kris Nicolau/Skirts, Laray Mayfield, Lisa Fields, Kim Davis & Justine Baddeley, Terry Berland, Jessica J, Sheila Manning, Michael Sanford, Carol Rosenthal, Kari Peyton, Gail Levin, Ava Shevitt, Mark Randall, Brigid McBride, Music/Levy, Mambo Casting, Steven Erdek, Sobo Casting, Danny Goldman...
Pamela Starks, Annelise Collins, Hayley Marcus, Beverly Long, Mick Dowd, Judy Elkins, Jeff Gerard, Melissa Feliciano, James Levine, Arlene Schuster-Goss, and many more!
I will take you behind the scenes of the entire casting process --from slating to booking-- and make sure you know how to successfully navigate the auditioning world as a professional, working actor.
Even more important, I will help you find that unique part of yourself --that priceless component that makes you stand out from all the other good actors vying for the same role. What is it you bring to the table that no one else can or does? It's my job to help you discover these strengths and turn them into your greatest assets so you're not seen as "just another auditioning actor."
Gain an in-depth understanding of what takes place at commercial casting auditions. From casting directors, session runners, and camera operators to directors, producers, ad agencies and clients. You will leave these Workshops with a well-rounded grasp of the inner-workings of the audition process that will free you from second-guessing and self-doubt and allow you to do your best work.
All Workshops are kept small and take place at On Your Mark Studios, one of the industry's most respected Professional Casting Studios, host daily to both Commercial and Theatrical auditions.
And finally, all classwork will be instantly available for you to review and study online in the privacy of your home! Including my instruction!
Casting directors and agents inquire regularly as to who has been taking my workshops and who I would recommend for their current jobs and new talent searches. I keep them up-to-date via a monthly Newsletter showcasing your headshot, professional contact info and your best on-camera work!
"Whether it's through perusing new faces in his monthly Newsletter or having Hal personally send someone our way, many of the actors that have come to us via Hal have gone on to --not only have an extremely high audtion-to-callback ratio-- but actually become some of our top bookers! " --Maria O'Driscoll, Casting Director, popcasting...
"Any worthy casting director is thrilled to see Hal’s name on an actor’s resume. I know that this actor’s been taught and nurtured in the skills of bringing to the audition the authenticity that I and my directors need. I want to bring this actor in!" --Vicki Goggin, Casting Director
"Hal's an amazing director, thoughtful and creative with the dialogue, and always able to put the actors at complete ease with his knowledge, patience, and humor." --Carol Rosenthal, Casting Director
"Hal Masonberg's years of experience working deep in the trenches of commercial casting, combined with his vast knowledge of film history, enthusiasm, and respect for actors make him, without question, THE best session director working on the scene today." --Mark Randall, Casting Director
"With Hal I am confident my session is in good hands. He knows exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. He cares, and that means the world in this business." --Melissa Feliciano, Casting Director